giovedì 6 maggio 2004

[Tech] Negli USA PC Linux a meno di $600

CPUBuilders ha lanciato sul mercato due personal computer con Linux (per la precisione, "CPUBuilders Linux for Everyone OS") preinstallato, a prezzi decisamente interessanti:
Each system is pre-installed with CPUBuilders Linux for Everyone OS and bundled with a complete software application suite. They also ship with the CPUBuilders Cognitio control panel, which facilitates installing new software and adding new hardware, and Cognitio's OS and application software update system.

Model CBS528L offers an AMD Athlon XP 2700+ processor, an ATX motherboard with SiS 746, 256 MB PC2700 333MHz DDR, expandable to 2GB, an 80GB Ultra ATA-100 hard drive, a 3.5-inch floppy disk driver, a CDRW/DVD combo drive, a GeForce 4 MX440 64 MB AGP video card, integrated 10/100 Fast Enternet, and four rear high-speed USB 2.0 ports. The system retails for $607.99 and is expected to have a street price of $472.36.

Model CBS558L offers an MD Athlon XP 3000+ processor, an ATX motherboard with SiS 746 chipset, 512MB PC2700 333MHz DDR, expandable to 2GB, an 80GB Ultra ATA-100 hard drive, a 3.5-inch floppy disk driver, a CDRW/DVD combo drive, a GeForce 4 MX440 64 MB AGP video card, integrated 10/100 Fast Enternet, and four rear high-speed USB 2.0 ports. The system retails for $765.99 and is expected to have a street price of $597.68.
Va ricordato che solitamente una parte non indifferente del prezzo finale di un PC (intorno ai 100-120 dollari) è rappresentata dalla cosiddetta "tassa Microsoft", ovvero dal costo del sistema operativo Windows preinstallato dagli OEM, i produttori di computer, e fatto pagare integralmente da questi agli utenti finali.

Fonte: Yahoo! News.

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