domenica 8 agosto 2004

Sei uccisi per una console X-box

Da Local6 News:
Six people found murdered in a Deltona, Fla., were beaten to death with aluminum baseball bats over a missing Xbox game console and some clothes, the Volusia County sheriff said Sunday.


"The instrument used was baseball bats, aluminum baseball bats," Johnson said at a press conference. "They (four suspects) did severe trauma to all of the victims. As a matter of fact, one of them was so badly damaged that we've not been able to officially identify her."


Three of the suspects have confessed to the murders, Local 6 News confirmed Sunday.

Johnson said all of the men were "active participants" in the murders.

"It just never surprises me, some of the ridiculous things that happen but this was a crime I hope we never see another one like this in my career," Johnson said. "This is the worst that I've ever (seen) in my career."


Saturday, the sheriff's office identified the victims as Michelle Ann Nathan, 19; Anthony Vega, 34; Roberto "Tito" Gonzalez, 28, of New York; Francisco Ayo Roman, 30; and Jonathan Gleason, 18.

Authorities had not yet positively identified the sixth victim because her face was unrecognizable.

Sunday, Johnson said the suspects apparently forced entry into the home's front door and began the attack immediately.

"The victims really had no chance," Johnson said. "They had no chance to arm themselves it appears."
Sei vite umane in cambio di una console per videogames del valore di circa 200€: Nessuno Tocchi Caino, neanche in questo caso? Mah...

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