lunedì 9 agosto 2004

Meno quattro ad Atene

immagine pubblicata sul sito islamico


È un ponte? O uno stadio? Forse lo Stadio Olimpico?

Da Internet Haganah (Haganah=difesa):
Still looking to use aircraft as weapons?

Summary translation and analysis:

The title: "a travel without return/coming back" [a one way ticket]

They give the following description [of the man who supposedly will travel without coming back]:


1. Name: Human/person (the son of Adam)

2. Nationality: From ashes

3. The title: the star of the earth

Details regarding the 'travel':

1. Departure station [leaving spot]: the life on earth

2. Destination: the grave in the hereafter

Then they write that the only luggage permitted in the flight is shroud and strong belief...

In short, they are describing all the rituals before the death/martyrdom (and using apocalyptic terms, such as dunya [life in this world, worldly existence] and akhira [the next world, hereafter].

This page should be considered as a warning...

Note that this was posted on the alsakifah forum on 26 July 2004, and was discussed on 3 August 2004 at NEIN. There is no concensus regarding the target, specifically whether it corresponds to a particular structure, and if so, which one.
Certo, si tratta "solo" di un disegno; certo, non ci sono indicazioni di obiettivi specifici (località, tipo di obiettivo...); certo, spesso sui siti islamici quello che viene pubblicato appartiene alla categoria dei wishful thinking, dei (non molto pii) desideri: speriamo che sia così anche in questo caso.

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