venerdì 28 gennaio 2005

Le elezioni in Irak raccontate dagli iracheni

Segnalo Friends of Democracy: ground-level election news from the people of Iraq.

Qualcosa mi dice che qui le notizie relative alle elezioni irachene verranno trattate con un taglio diverso rispetto a quello delle varie lilligruber e giovannebotteri - quelle che, per intenderci, trovavano del tutto normale e verosimile che Saddam "vincesse" le "elezioni" con il 99,8% dei voti, e che ora invece ci spiegano ogni giorno che le elezioni irachene difficilmente potranno essere considerate regolari, "visto il clima di intimidazione e di violenza" (sic).

Riporto qui di seguito il loro "about us" (dei FoD, non delle lilligiovanne):

Friends of Democracy - Our Vision

Despite the challenges, we were seeing free and democratic Iraq, we were living the hard laboring moment we believe that every one of us has duty towards our beloved country

By our hands, work, thoughts, sacrifice we will build up the new Iraq.

Our home is open for every friend of democracy and they are many in Iraq.

We are the hope of the rest of peoples which longed for freedom and they are looking with the eye of hope to the Iraqi sample.

Let us show them a shining sample and let us remind them that we are the ones of the first code of laws. Let them share us to work with full efforts to push forward the democracy process in Iraq.

The student

The student is the pivot of the family and its candle and a source of renewal.

The student is a goal and a hope.

The active students groups in the field of democracy in Iraq are an admirable promising, surprising experiment. They are an active part and friends of democracy.

Our support to them is for our dream.

The woman

Her voice will not keep being low.

In new Iraq she's with the man exerting efforts to uplift marginalization and unfairness.

She is a major element, she is a friend of democracy.

Our hearts become happier when we see the Iraqi women participate in building up and raising foundations.

She is the minister, deputy, teacher and the doctor. She plants the farm she raises the generation.

We work together with many women organizations to spread out election and democracy culture to the Iraqi woman.

The internet

Our project and dream.

We endeavor to link the non governmental organizations (NGO's), students groups, women organizations and the individuals through a network to exchange experience and thoughts to push forward democracy process in Iraq.

We won't be isolated islands from now on.

We are stronger in sharing opinions and exchanging information and experience.

You are not alone, friends of democracy exist all over Iraq and now you are with them in every moment.

Our weapon: the word and free opinion.

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