lunedì 24 gennaio 2005

Germania, fuorilegge la Al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation

Un tribunale tedesco ha confermato la decisione del Governo federale di mettere fuori legge la Al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation, una "organizzazione caritatevole" che in realtà veniva usata dai terroristi palestinesi per finanziare le proprie attività "militari" (in pratica, gli attentati suicidi contro i civili israeliani e gli attacchi contro le basi militari dello Stato di Israele):

The Al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation, providing support almost exclusively to Hamas institutions in the Palestinian Authority administered territories, is numbered among Hamas’ primary foundations in Europe. The foundation has offices in Germany (formerly the head office), Belgium (active to this day), Holland (outlawed in June 2003), and Denmark (active albeit on a limited scale).


Following lengthy legal proceedings, the German court upheld the government’s decision and ordered (December 3) the foundation’s German branch to cease its activities, effectively dismantling it. The court determined that the foundation provided support to and promoted Hamas’ anti-Israeli terrorist attacks and that it was impossible to separate Hamas’ social work from its operative-terrorist activities. This decision and its underlying reasoning set an important political and juridical precedent that might serve as a catalyst for other countries in Europe and elsewhere to act against similar Hamas-affiliated foundations that operate in their territories, thus putting to practice, for all intents and purposes, the EU decision (September 2003) to include Hamas and all its affiliates in the list of terrorist organizations.


The Al-Aqsa Charitable Foundation served as one of the primary organs in Hamas’ fundraising system in the West. It used to raise millions of dollars a year that were transferred mainly to Hamas institutions in the Palestinian Authority administered territories.

Ulteriori dettagli e un'ampia documentazione delle attività "caritatevoli" di questi assassini sul sito I
ntelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

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