lunedì 22 marzo 2004

[Tech] Tenta estorsione ai danni di Google: arrestato

Un programmatore californiano ha minacciato danni per milioni di dollari se Google non si fosse piegato a pagare un "pizzo" di 100mila dollari:
According to court papers he claimed that if they did not pay, he would release a piece of software to spammers to generate fake advertising hits and cost them millions.

The man, Michael Bradley, was so sure that the folks at Google would pay up, he even turned up at their offices for a meeting to sell his software. By then, federal law enforcement agents were already on the case and videotaped the alleged extortion attempt.

The software that Bradley designed would have flooded the Google advertisements with fake clicks, potentially costing the company millions of dollars. Google pays Web publishers a fee for each click on the pop-ups the site generates. He threatened to give the software to the top 100 spammers in the meeting with Google's officials, court papers released on Friday show.

According to the papers, he also offered his services as a consultant engineer to help the search engine stop other advertising fraud.
Un altro piccolo wilson (nel significato suggerito da William Gibson) che sogna di fare il colpo gobbo e invece sbatte il muso contro la dura realtà (o, come avrebbe detto Totò: "Lei è un cretino, si rassegni, se ne faccia una ragione...").


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