lunedì 15 marzo 2004

Da Iraq The Model: Useful Fools sul 'regime change' spagnolo

Omar, uno dei blogger di Iraq The Model, segnala un post apparso sul blog di John Moore.

Il blog, guarda caso, si chiama "Useful fools" (Utili idioti); il sottotitolo è " Watching Those Whom Lenin Called 'Useful Fools' ").

Ecco una parte del testo:
Regime Change by Al Qaeda

There is no way to interpret Spain's vote yesterday than as a regime change engineered by Al Qaeda, and a major defeat for the forces of democracy. An Al Qaeda document captured some weeks ago foretold exactly this strategy and outcome.

Spain, to its eternal shame, has chosen the path of appeasement. They have lost 200 citizens to Al Qaeda violence, with many more terribly wounded, and their response is to cave to Al Qaeda's desires.

In America we feel grief for the victims and their families, but the Spanish voters have demeaned their own dead by surrendering to the killers, and betrayed their own brave soldiers who have served well in Iraq. Clearly Spain has joined Western Europe in its pathetic decadence.

A nation which, when its civilians are attacked, blames its own government and gives in to the attacker deserves no respect from thinking people. Rather, it is an accessory to the murder of its citizens and the murder of many more around the world that will result from their cowardice. The more solid Australians did not cave in when they suffered proportionally more casualties in the Al Qaeda attack in Bali, but the Spanish took only four days to bring out their white flags and wave them for all to see.

Those who choose appeasement often imagine that they are choosing peace. In reality, their actions encourage more violence and more deaths of innocents. We should feel nothing but loathing for those who switched their vote after the Al Qaeda attacks.

Spain has now joined the French as surrender monkeys, for Spain has truly done exactly what the Islamofascists want.. Ironically, the Spanish don't understand that they will be targeted again in any case. Usama Bin Laden long ago listed the reconquest of Spain for Islam as one of his primary goals.

Al Qaeda has demonstrated that it can cause regime change. It will try it again. Thanks to Spain, we can expect massacres to occur in Britain and Italy, and probably in the United States this year.
Concordo su tutto - compresa, purtroppo, la previsione di attentati in Italia.

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