lunedì 24 novembre 2003

[Tech] Opera 7.23 security update

L'ultima release di Opera, la 7.23 disponibile per il download da questo week-end, pone rimedio a due vulnerabilità (una sfruttabile solo nella versione per Windows del browser) che avrebbero potuto consentire a un cracker di prendere il controllo del computer "vittima".
An advisory, written by Jouko Pynnonen of Finland, describes scenarios that would allow an attacker to seize control of systems running Opera, all of which require some degree of user interaction to be successfully exploited.


"In order to be exploited, these vulnerabilities require the victim to visit a Web page created by a malicious user," he wrote.

Though Pynnonen says one vulnerability affects Windows systems only, the second vulnerability, a buffer overflow, will allow an attacker to take control of Linux-based systems.

"The directory traversal problem doesn't exist on Linux...Other versions weren't tested," the advisory read, noting also that "the buffer overflow can be produced on Linux, too."

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