lunedì 29 dicembre 2003

Tette Terribilmente Tossiche in U.S.A. (e non solo)

Per la precisione, da tre a dieci volte più "ricche" - ad esempio - di sostanze chimiche ignifughe rispetto a quelle delle donne europee o giapponesi:
In March, California researchers reported that San Francisco-area women have three to 10 times as much chemical flame retardant in their breast tissue as European or Japanese women.
E ancora:
Indiana University researchers reported at the same time that levels in Indiana and California women and infants were 20 times higher than those in Sweden and Norway, which recently banned flame retardant.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this year released data from 2,500 volunteers tested for 116 pollutants and found such chemicals as mercury, uranium and cotinine, a chemical broken down from nicotine.


Next month, state Sen. Deborah Ortiz plans to renew calls for California's polluters to finance testing of contaminants in mother's milk.

"This will allow women to better make informed decision about their health," said Ortiz, a Democrat. "And the information will help researchers and public health officials."

But some fear that biomonitoring results could be misinterpreted and frighten new mothers from breast feeding their babies.

"We are clearly concerned about what effects the stories of biomonitoring will have," said Barbara Brenner, executive director of the San Francisco-based Breast Cancer Action nonprofit advocacy group. "Any rational woman will say to herself, `Should I be breast feeding?'"
Insomma, secondo alcuni ricercatori americani ci stiamo ormai avviando a diventare - tutti, donne e uomini - delle vere e proprie discariche chimiche ambulanti; anche in questo caso si levano però alcune voci che contestano il catastrofismo di fondo di questi dati:
"Everyone's exposed to substances and there's no evidence that the low levels people are exposed to are harming anybody," said Steven Milloy, author of "Junk Science Judo: Self Defense Against Health Scares and Scams". "It's a waste of time and money that only serves to scare people."

Milloy noted that despite all the chemicals, the overall U.S. population is living longer and healthier.
Sarà, ma d'ora in poi prima di portare alle labbra un capezzolo lo sottoporrò a scansione con un contatore Geyger e con un dispositivo atto a rilevare Armi di Distruzione di Massa chimiche o batteriologiche - non si sa mai, coi tempi che corrono.

Fonte: Yahoo! News.

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