mercoledì 18 febbraio 2004

[Tech] Yahoo scarica Google

In un mio post del 6 gennaio avevo già riportato una anticipazione in merito; ora è arrivata la conferma: da ieri Yahoo! non utilizza più la tecnologia del motore di ricerca Google ma una propria tecnologia "interna", Yahoo Search Technology, risultante dalla integrazione di tutta una serie di tecnologie recentemente acquisite, fra cui Inktomi e Overture Services.
The Web portal on Monday implemented a Yahoo-branded crawler, or robot, to scour the Web for documents. Called Yahoo Slurp, the robot "collects documents from the Web to build a searchable index for search services using the Yahoo search engine," according to Yahoo. The crawler is also keeping copies of those pages--what's known as "caching" pages.

It also started showing results from its own technology, which include its paid inclusion program.

One of the key ways Yahoo plans to make money from its search platform is to charge companies for more rapid and frequent inclusion into its index--a program called paid inclusion. But such programs have come under fire by industry watchers and federal regulators, which charge that their commercially oriented nature can taint results and mislead Web surfers without proper labeling.

Google does not offer a paid inclusion program.
La Yahoo Search Technology verrà estesa, nel giro delle prossime settimane, a tutti i siti internazionali del network Yahoo.


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