mercoledì 25 febbraio 2004

[Tech] Antitrust UE: Microsoft potrebbe dover vendere due diverse versioni di Windows in Europa

Secondo voci riportate da alcuni organi di stampa, il procedimento antitrust intentato dal Commissario europeo per la concorrenza, Mario Monti, contro Microsoft potrebbe concludersi con una multa di almeno 100 milioni di dollari e la richiesta di mettere in vendita, sul territorio europeo, due distinte versioni di Windows: quella attualmente in commercio, completa di Media Player, e una versione "ridotta" priva del player multimediale, che potrebbe comunque essere acquistato separatamente.
European Commissioner for competition Mario Monti may demand that Microsoft Corp. sell two versions of its ubiquitous operating system, Windows, in Europe: one with Media Player inside as it does at present, and another with the music and video playing software stripped out and sold separately, people close to the case said on Tuesday.


These likely remedies will come attached to a negative ruling that brands Microsoft an abusive monopolist, unless a settlement is reached during the next month to six weeks. A negative ruling is expected to carry with it a fine of at least $100 million.


An internal consultation within the European Commission has finished, and the proposed negative ruling drafted by the competition department in January has emerged "almost untouched", the person who insisted on anonymity said.


The Commission agreed with Microsoft's rivals, which argue that firms offering content such as record companies and Hollywood studios, which can be played on media players, will increasingly tailor their products exclusively for Microsoft's Media Player, because it will be the only player they are sure that people will have on their PCs.
Per il momento né Microsoft né gli ambienti della Commissione hanno voluto commentare ufficialmente queste voci.

Fonte: InfoWorld.

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