sabato 17 marzo 2007

Un (altro) eroe dei nostri tempi

Un altro che predica bene e razzola male, per intenderci.
In questo caso si tratta di Al Gore, impegnato in questo periodo a presentare in giro per il mondo il suo "coraggioso atto d'accusa" contro le kattive multinazionali che fanno tanta bua al povero ecosistema terrestre.

Peccato che poi emergano notizie come queste, però:

Tenn. mine enriched Gore, scarred land

Al Gore Jr. received more than $500,000 in royalties from the owners of zinc mines who held mineral leases on his farm near Carthage, Tenn.
Now the mines have a new owner and are scheduled to reopen later this year.
Before the mines closed in 2003, they emitted thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal.
State environmental officials say the mine has had a good environmental record and there is no evidence of unusual health problems in the area.
But the mine's reopening again raises concerns about threats to the environment.

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