lunedì 1 ottobre 2007

Razza: umana

L'Unione Europea sempre più in basso: ecco un testo tratto dal quotidiano svedese Aftonbladet (traduzione di Carpenter; il grassetto è una mia aggiunta):

From yesterday’s Aftonbladet:

The EU now wants to register which racial group you belong to.

“It’s madness”

EU wants to reduce discrimination - by registering which race you belong to.

I guess they’ll soon begin stamping “J” in Jews’ passports once again,” says MEP Christofer Fjellner of Moderaterna [the Moderate Party].

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It is in the proposal of the EU’s new discrimination directive the rather controversial program is found. In the document, for instance, it’s written that “The European Parliament recommends the member states to consider collecting statistical information on how different racial and ethnic groups are represented.”

Could be legislated

“This is to measure discrimination. But it is madness, even if the intentions are good,” says Cristofer Fjellner. “It’s just the fact that they use the concept of race feels very odd.”

Despite this, the report was adopted by a vast majority. It now goes further to the EU-commission who, to all appearances, will bring a proposal of legislation.

“If it gets adopted, SCB [Statistiska Centralbyrån - Swedish official bureau of statistics] will have to begin collecting such information and sending it on to Brussels” says MEP Carl Schlyter of Miljöpartiet [the Environment Party].

The Swedish MEPs look worriedly at this development. “It is unpleasant” says Cristofer Fjellner.

Era dai tempi del nazismo che certi questionari non avevano più cittadinanza sul suolo europeo: io consiglio di rispondere, nel caso, come fece a suo tempo Einstein - ma ancora meglio, forse, sarebbe considerare l'ipotesi di rivedere da zero l'impianto di questa Europa, sempre meno democratica e sempre più lontana dai suoi cittadini/sudditi.

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