martedì 2 marzo 2004

Ali di 'Iraq The Model' e Ays di 'Iraq at a glance' sui fatti di oggi

Riporto ancora una volta il testo, in inglese, di un post di Ali, il blogger di Iraq The Model, oggi sugli attentati anti-sciiti a Baghdad e Karbala.

Seguono due post di Ays di Iraq at a glance che fanno un po' la cronaca in diretta di quello che è successo a Baghdad stamattina e mostrano ancora una volta il livello di malafede e la disinformazione sistematica portata avanti dalle televisioni arabe "indipendenti" (sic).

Anche Ali vede negli attentati un tentativo di scatenare una guerra civile fra le varie fazioni - religiose ma anche etniche - irachene; anche lui parla di "utili idioti" che credono ancora alla favola della "resistenza" irachena; ancora una volta mi trovo a sottoscrivere quello che ha postato sul suo blog.

È un post un po' lungo, ma merita di essere letto.
What happened today in Baghdad and kerbela were not just the bloodiest terrorist attacks that took place in Iraq after the war, they were events that set a clear definition to the meaning of the violence in Iraq.

There was a debate since that time of how to define those violent attacks against Iraqi civilians, IP and coalition forces. To us, it was more than clear that these were terrorist attacks made mainly by the remnants of Saddam’s regimes and terrorists from outside Iraq supported by some neighboring countries and Islamic radical groups with political and moral support from all anti American media and countries.

Others, mostly paid off or idiots, looked at these attacks as legitimate resistance by Iraqi people against (occupation).


What happened today leaves no doubt about the nature of these attacks. They are terrorist crimes meant to stop or at least hinder the democratic changes and progress in Iraq, taking different ways each time selecting the most vulnerable and most (rewarding) target.

The recent attacks along with the previous, were aiming directly and clearly at Iraqi civilians. The purpose is more than clear once we look at the places and the people who were attacked. As most of these attacks took place in She’at and Kurdish areas and at such a critical time where as happened today the She’at were gathered to memorialize a sacred religious occasion, it leaves no doubt that the final objectives of these attacks were starting a civil war between She’at and Sunni or between Arab, Kurds and Turkmen.

There would still be some stupid people who would say "but there were attacks on coalition forces these days. So there are still 2 types of violence: resistance ’killing coalition forces’ and terrorism ‘killing Iraqis’ ".

I want to say that this is one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard (for those who really mean it), as how can you call attacking innocent people as terrorism and at the same time justify the killing of the soldiers and police forces who are trying to protect those innocents, and what is worse is that some of the people who make such discrimination are the same who blame the Americans for failure in protecting Iraqi civilians!


It maybe early to predict the reaction to those horrible attacks, (but I’ll risk) and say that I’m firmly on the belief that the terrorists will not succeed in achieving their malicious intentions.

The severity and brutality of these attacks, if should tell us something, then it’s that we (Iraqis and coalition) are on the right path and that our efforts to build a new Iraq are progressing in a very satisfactory way, otherwise our enemies -Arab dictators and terrorist Islamic groups with the remnants of the old regime- wouldn’t have acted so madly and wouldn’t invest all their evil forces in what I still consider a futile attempt to stop the great progress being done in Iraq trying to build a stable, democratic and prosperous country and the greater effect of achieving this objective on the ME in particular and the rest of the Arab, Muslim world and the world in general.

Some people still wonder what would be the relation between liberation of Iraq and war on terrorism. I think that the fact that nearly all the terrorists are gathered on our land to fight so fiercely should be more than enough an explanation. It may seem that the dictators and fanatics from outside are winning by inflicting such horrible losses in our lines and that the battlefield is Iraq, where in fact (my opinion) we are doing them a much more damage by building Iraq and that the battlefield is much more larger than Iraq. We are fighting them on their lands by showing their citizens what they can achieve once they are free. It’s still far from being an appealing vision, but soon it will be. These dictators and their allies instead of trying to change so that they can find a place in the new world or at least take a safe shelter (Aristed) and not end being dragged from a sewage hole, are actually stupid enough to try to resist it. They are (spitting in the face of the wind).

Some people may have been dispirited by today’s tragedy. I for myself am sad but -as I see these evil powers show their true ugly face and play their last card -surer than ever that we are winning and that it’s just a matter of time before the people of the neighboring countries start to look admirably at what seems to be at the present time a very unstable chaotic and poor country.

By Ali.
Link: Iraq The Model.

Seguono due post di Ays, del blog Iraq at a glance; il grassetto è una mia aggiunta:
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

what's going on ?!

I hear many sounds of explosions now, I don’t know what’s going on, I hope no one hurt, I am waiting for the news…

I think the sound came from north of Baghdad or a neighborhood near..

Wait to hear what happened..

I hope to God that nothing happened....

# posted by ays @ 10:12 AM


A tragedy

Damn.. Damn.. I knew that .. I knew that will happen.. explosions in Karbalaa and Baghdad in Al-Khadimia neighborhood as I expected.. I am sad.. I burst into tears as I saw those corpses and the wounded and burned people, do you know what Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiah said ? They said that the bombs are from mortars or an ARTILLERY…! And they said who has the artillery in Iraq? Yes the American army…... nonsense.. I hit the ceiling when I heard that.. Damn… Damn .. I want to bomb those two channels.. they deserve those explosions.. they are terrorists …they are inciting the people with those mean words..

I am sorry I am very confused I can’t write more now..

# posted by ays @ 11:17 AM
Nota: le stragi in Irak sono state compiute da dieci, forse undici attentatori suicidi. Altri quattro aspiranti "martiri" sono stati fermati in tempo a Bassora - altro che artiglieria pesante...

Questo è l'Irak di oggi, 2 marzo 2004.

Questo è il Paese da cui la sinistra italiana vorrebbe venissero ritirate le nostre truppe, senza se e senza ma.

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