Turbolinux 10 Desktop equipaggerà i business desktop PC di HP - Compaq destinati a 12 Paesi del mercato asiatico: Cina, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Giapppone, Corea del Sud, Malesia, Filippine, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailandia e Vietnam.
Questo rappresenta un ulteriore, importante passo in avanti nella diffusione di sistemi desktop Linux-based:
"The adoption of Linux on the desktop across Asia is booming," said Koichi Yano, president and COO of Turbolinux, Inc. "We're pleased to partner with HP to give customers an integrated desktop solution tailored to meet business requirements in many different markets."Assieme a Turbolinux verrà distribuita la release 1.1 della nota suite OpenOffice.org, un prodotto in grado di offrire sostanzialmente le stesse funzionalità (tranne, in parte, nell'area database) di Office e un elevato grado di compatibilità con i formati file della suite Microsoft.
The Turbolinux OEM software bundle is built around Turbolinux 10 Desktop (10D), one of the first distributions to ship with the new Linux 2.6 kernel. It is designed to capture the intuitive look and feel of popular desktop user interfaces, including those for viewing and sharing local files and browsing networks.
Turbolinux will provide technical support to HP's engineers to assist in resolving any complex support issues. Turbolinux and HP have pre-certified all hardware to be shipped under the OEM agreement for Linux compatibility and smooth operation. In addition, customers can download from the Turbolinux Web site all GPL source code shipped with the HP Compaq business desktop PCs.
Turbolinux 10 Desktop supporta inoltre gli standard FireWire, Bluetooth e 802.11b (meglio conosciuto come Wi-Fi); gli aggiornamenti del Kernel e le eventuali patch possono essere gestiti attraverso un tool di update fornito di interfaccia grafica.
Fonte: Turbolinux.com.
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