321 Studios è una software house che di recente ha ricevuto un'ingiunzione che le proibisce di continuare a sviluppare e a vendere alcune componenti dei suoi programmi per la copia di DVD.
Ora 321 Studios ha rilasciato DVDExtreme, una suite di authoring per DVD e CD che permette anche la duplicazione di DVD non protetti dalla tecnologia CSS (Contents Scrambling System).
Continua comunque la polemica fra difensori e detrattori della tecnologia CSS e dell'algoritmo usato finora (anche nei prodotti 321 Studios) per bypassarla, il DeCSS, e fra sostenitori e detrattori del diritto al "fair use" delle tecnologie di duplicazione.
The fight over fair use has gotten a lot of attention, first from the music industry and now the movie industry. It's all part of the cliched but inevitable digital revolution, say several analysts monitoring the accelerating copyright battles.Fonte: Yahoo! News.
"The whole issue is in such a state of flux," says Michael McGuire, a Gartner analyst. "It's all going through this transition from physical to digital or analog to digital. The law is sometimes keeping up and sometimes not. It paints a confusing picture for consumers."
This clouds issues of intellectual property rights and fair use rights, says Julia Bassett Schwerin, chair and CEO of InfoTech, a media forecasting research firm.
"The idea of making personal copies versus fighting piracy at the mass-distribution level is really where most people are missing the point," she says. "Arresting teenagers because they're file-sharing or because they're making a copy of a movie for a friend or a backup copy is always going to be bad publicity. It's bad for business, and it's ultimately not worth it."
321 Studios says 60 percent of the users of DVDXCopy are parents. "They were buying the product because their kids were scratching Finding Nemo or The Little Mermaid and they wanted to back them up," Bishop-Cross says.
You might want a copy for the DVD in the minivan or one to send with the kids on an overnight visit. "These are very legitimate personal uses," she adds.
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