domenica 14 dicembre 2003

I bloggers iracheni sulla cattura di Saddam

Scriveva Alaa (The Mesopotamian) stamattina :


If the news we are just hearing about the capture of the Monster is true then I thank God for letting me live to this day to see this. Will report to you later.
E più tardi, a notizia confermata:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم: انهم يكيدون كيدا وأكيد كيدا فمهل الكافرين أ مهلهم رويدا صدق الله العظيم"

"They Scheme hard, and I scheme; give them time the Kafirin, give them plenty of time" Sadaq Allahu Al Adhim" . ",And they plot, and Allah plots, and Allah is the best of plotters", Sadaq Allahu Al Adhim.

Before this, I prayed the traditional prayers of thanksgiving. That I, and the Iraqi people should see this day! This, surely, is the mother of all days for us. The heroes of our valiant Pesh Mergas, and the heroes of the U.S. Fourth division have done it. Now is the time to unleash the Iraqi Counter Terror; now is the time to go for the kill. Let us go after them. Don’t lose this moment. They want to recant and live in equality with the people? they have a chance - otherwise they will have to go. I am too overwhelmed with emotion to write coherently; please excuse me. The foul mouths of the enemies of our people everywhere and the neighboring vultures and hyenas be stuffed with dirt; we will come after you; your time will come.

Long live the great alliance of Mesopotamia and the United States of America and her allies. Now is the time, now is the time; Do not delay; unleash the Counter Terror.

God Bless Iraq; God Bless America; God bless the Allies.

And above all Praise be to Allah the Almighty the Avenger.
Ed ecco il post di Omar (Iraq The Model):
The big brother in a small hole


It's the justice day.

I'm speechless.

I'm crying.

The tyrants' hour has finally came. I went down to the streets to share the joy with my brothers. This is our day, the day of all the oppressed and good people on earth.

Tears of joy filled the eyes of all the people.

Saddam, the coward, hides in a hole, shaking in fear from being captured.

Not a single bullet was fired, without any resistance, God, he was even cooperative! The mighty tyrant, who exploited all our country's fortune for his personal protection, surrenders like the cowered I expected him to be.

Yes, he should be prosecuted in Iraq. We will not allow anything else.

We want to see him in a cage bending more and more, humiliated more and more, just as he forced all the Iraqis to bend to him, like they were his slaves. But we will not be like him, we will give him a fair trail, and he will get just what he deserves, although I have no idea what does he really deserve.

It's indeed an inauspicious day for all the tyrants. Let them know that their days are near too.

This is the day of all Iraqi martyrs who were slaughtered just to please his sick lust for blood.

Rest in peace my brothers. The paradise is yours and the disgrace and hell is for all the tyrants on earth.

Thank you American, British, Spanish, Italian, Australian, Ukrainian, Japanese and all the coalition people and all the good people on earth.

God bless the 1st brigade.

God bless the 4th infantry division.

God bless Iraq.

God bless America.

God bless the coalition people and soldiers.

God bless all the freedom loving people on earth.

I wish I could hug you all.
Inutile aggiungere commenti, direi - forse giusto un augurio: che questo giorno segni davvero la data di nascita di un nuovo Irak, libero e democratico, e l'inizio della fine dei suoi (e nostri) nemici.

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