Riporto il post apparso poco fa sul blog di Omar, "Iraq The Model" (il grassetto è una mia aggiunta):
The Iraqi people spoke today.Commenta un altro blogger, su Healing Iraq:
Today's demo. was organized by anti terrorism popular committee (an independent organization).
Here are some snap shots from today's rallies:
:: This time we were(according to the most pessimistic al-Jazeera)more than ten thousands.
:: All Iraqi ethnic and religious groups were there, Arab, Kurd, Sunni, shia, Turkomen, Assyrians. The demo. was well protected by IP (IP=Iraqi Police, NdR) and US army helicopters.
::each party had its own slogans, but every one agreed on condemning Saddam, terrorists, Ba'athists, the Arab media and the interference of Iraq neighbors in Iraq.
:: There were about 150 people (most of them were teenagers) condemning the American occupation, and considered Americans as the real terrorists.
:: People were carrying signs saying:
-No to terrorism, no to Saddam, yes to peace.
-No to the Ba'athists, no to the terrorists, yes to democracy.
-dictatorship will never return.
-Bribee Arab channels; shame on you to show terrorism as resistance.
-Sunni and shia are united to build Iraq.
-Stop using religion and nationalism to justify terrorism.
-Islam is against violence and terrorism.
-Al-Jazeera+al-Arabiya = terrorism.
-Thank you IP.
:: Parties that marched on the demo.:
-Iraqi communist party.
-Al-Da'wa party.
-Iraqi Islamic party.
-Independent democrats' congregation.
-Iraqi democratic trend.
-The Iraqi Turkomen front.
-Iraqi Assyrian democratic movement.
-Iraqi medical association.
-Iraqi dental association.
-Iraqi workers union.
-Iraqi women association.
-Iraqi human rights organization.
-Iraqi farmers union.
-Iraqi independence party.
And many independent individuals like us.
I woke up early this morning, Zeyad came by, and the four of us( Ali, Mohammed, Zeyad and I) went to al-Tahrir sq., we found nothing there(the location from which the demo. was supposed to start was not announced)so we had to ask the police man in the street about it.
he told us to head towards al-Fatih sq.(infront of the Iraqi national theater), we went there, and we found a couple of hundreds there, all of them representing the Iraqi communist party, we were very disappointed in the beginning, but as time passed, the crowd grew bigger and other parties joined.
after 2 hours, the crowd was so big, I couldn't guess the number, but it seemed like the whole Iraq was there, men, women, children, young and elderly of different socio-economic levels, cheering the same slogans in different languages(Arabic, Kurdish, Turkomen, Assyrian). They looked very happy and free, despite the risks of being targeted.
No body seemed to be afraid, in fact today I felt safer than ever.
I didn't expect such a response from the Iraqi people after all the terror they have suffered-and still suffering- from. To me it was a total success. I hope more brave steps will follow.
A great day for IraqSono felice che le cose siano andate bene, senza attentati o provocazioni da parte dei seguaci di Saddam.
The rallies today proved to be a major success. I didn't expect anything even close to this. It was probably the largest demonstration in Baghdad for months. It wasn't just against terrorism. It was against Arab media, against the interference of neighbouring countries, against dictatorships, against Wahhabism, against oppression, and of course against the Ba'ath and Saddam.
Vedo anche che gli iracheni sono perfettamente consci dell'effettivo grado di "obiettività" di televisioni quali Al-Jazeera e Al- Arabiya - solo i giornalisti occidentali e la sinistra "resistente" continuano a considerarle le uniche e sole dispensatrici della Verità Rivelata: e cominciare a nutrire qualche dubbio, in proposito?
Un saluto agli amici iracheni, e alla prossima manifestazione.
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