"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" è finito nel mirino delle organizzazioni haitiane per i diritti civili e rischia di essere rimosso dagli scaffali dei computer shop - almeno negli USA, dove una Corte federale sta per pronunciarsi sulla questione.
A quanto pare in quest'ultima versione del videogame, che nel corso degli anni ha venduto oltre undici milioni di copie, il giocatore può (anzi deve, se vuole vincere la partita) farne di cotte e di crude: può sparare addosso alle persone (meglio se haitiane), ucciderle con un machete, colpirle a morte con una mazza da baseball, investirle con l'automobile; può fare sesso con una prostituta per poi picchiarla a morte, e altro ancora.
Rockstar Games, the New York company which has sold 11m copies of the award-winning video, in which an ex-convict is hired to recover stolen drug money in Miami, agreed to remove the line from future versions. Unimpressed, the Haitians took the makers to the state circuit court last week. On Tuesday, it was agreed to move the case to the federal court.Tutto molto educativo, non c'è che dire.
The game concerns a cocaine dealer, Tommy Vercetti, who loses money in a drug deal and has to get his drugs and his money back, but "the biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt politicians stand in his way". Vercetti embarks on in a journey which involves stealing cars, and committing endless violent and murderous crimes.
"You're gonna find out who took our cocaine, and we're going to kill them," his boss says at the outset.
Among the many options in the game, a player can shoot people, beat them with baseball bats, carve them with a machete or run them over with stolen cars.
They may pick up a prostitute, have sex with her in the back of a stolen car, and then beat her to death. They can kill a policeman, steal his gun, and then shoot someone else with it. And of course, they can go after Haitians.
Fonte: Guardian.
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