lunedì 5 gennaio 2004

Antisemitismo: vergogna su Prodi e sulla Commissione europea

Oggi come ieri, se in Europa gli ebrei osano alzare la testa ed esprimere apertamente le proprie opinioni scatta la rappresaglia del kapò di turno.

Oggi i presidenti del Congresso mondiale ebraico e del Congresso europeo ebraico hanno osato criticare la Commissione europea, esponendo sul Financial Times quelle che peraltro sono delle sacrosante verità:
Anti-Semitism can be expressed in two ways: by action and inaction. Remarkably, the European Commission is guilty of both.

First, the Commission released a flawed and dangerously inflammatory poll, which purported to name Israel as the greatest threat to world peace. Then, it censored a study commissioned by its own Monitoring Centre that reported on the involvement of Muslim minorities in incidents of mounting European anti-Semitism.

Let us not mince words: both of these actions were politically motivated, demonstrating a failure of will and decency. Facts indeed are stubborn things and they are ignored at great peril. In this instance, those placed in greatest danger are not the obstructionists who withheld the study for nearly a year, but the Jews of Europe: witnesses and victims of the most barbaric act of slaughter and inhumanity to occur within the living memory of those who reside there.

Inaction must be countered by action, and transparency must be the hallmark of democratic institutions, which is why we made public the Monitoring Centre report. The Talmud teaches that silence implies agreement and that is why we will not rest until every European parliamentarian, member state and inter-governmental body has a copy of this report in their hands.


Outside Israel, the majority of the world's violent anti-Semitic attacks took place in western Europe. For the EU to hide these facts reeks of intellectual dishonesty and moral treachery.

The war on anti-Semitism, the world's oldest form of racism, suffered a tremendous defeat at the hands of European censors. Europe perfected anti-Semitism last century and those who wish to see the continent free from that evil cannot allow a few thugs, be they on the street or in parliament, to sully a people that needs no lesson in the history of appeasement and inaction.

Democracies are not judged by how they treat current or future majorities, but by how they treat their minorities. A major test of European attitudes will occur next month at a seminar to be jointly convened by Romano Prodi, Commission president, and the European Jewish Congress, which will confront the challenge of the continent's anti-Semitism. We await its results.
Direi che il "major test of European attitudes" è già fallito; la risposta dell'Europa, e del "democratico" Prodi è stata la seguente:
La preparazione del seminario europeo sull'antisemitismo è stata sospesa. Lo ha comunicato il presidente della Commissione europea, Romano Prodi, in una lettera inviata al presidente del Congresso mondiale ebraico, Edgar Bronfman, e a quello del Congresso europeo ebraico, Cobi Benatoff. La decisione, ha spiegato Prodi, è stata adottata a causa "dell'atteggiamento mostrato" dai due esponenti ebraici. Il riferimento è all'articolo apparso oggi sul Financial Times, fortemente critico nei confronti della Commissione europea. (Corriere della Sera)
Si tratta di un fatto di una gravità enorme, di un comportamento a metà strada fra la rappresaglia teppistica e il ricatto mafioso: "di certe cose possiamo anche parlare, ma solo alle nostre condizioni..."

Peggio di così la vecchia Europa - troppo vecchia, forse, e incapace di abbandonare certe pericolose abitudini - non poteva rispondere.

Vergogna su Prodi. Vergogna sulla Commissione europea.

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