Il nuovo virus Xome, identificato anche come Trojan.Xombe, Downloader-GJ e Troj/Dloader-L, una volta eseguito su Windows XP tenta di downloadare e attivare una backdoor e di fatto minaccia di trasformare i computer colpiti in altrettanti "zombie":
Ken Dunham, malicious code intelligence manager at security company iDefense, said that the success of Swen has encouraged virus writers to create e-mails and Web sites that appear official in order to fool more people into executing malicious code.Il virus, tanto per cambaire, si diffonde via e-mail.
Il messaggio di posta elettronica ha come mittente ""; il subject è "Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Express) - Critical Update"; il testo del messaggio invita ad eseguire un allegato chiamato "winxp_sp1.exe" al fine di correggere alcune falle nella sicurezza di Microsoft Internet Explorer, MS Outlook ed MS Outlook Express.
Dunham said that once executed, the attachment downloads a file called msvchost.exe that alters the Windows Registry and opens certain ports in order to listen out for commands from a hacker.Pur essendo indirizzato agli utenti di Windows XP, secondo Symantec il virus può colpire anche anche Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98 / 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows NT e Windows 2003 Server (acc... manca niente? Ah, sì... Windows 3.x e Windows CE, forse...).
Most antivirus companies have already updated their signatures, but users without up-to-date antivirus applications could be infected, helping the Trojan's author to take control of large numbers of PCs. Dunham said that once a "large army of zombie computers" has been built up, attackers could use them for serious crimes such as ID theft and banking fraud.
Microsoft was not immediately available to comment.
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