Turbolinux, un distributore giapponese del noto sistema operativo Linux, ha firmato un accordo di licenza con Microsoft al fine di poter garantire la compatibilità coi codec Windows Media 9 sotto Linux.
Il risultato è la nuova distribuzione Linux denominata Turbolinux 10 F:
With 10F, Turbolinux becomes the first major Linux distributor to ship a media player capable of streaming pure Windows Media format audio and video. 10F is based on Turbolinux 10 Desktop.Turbolinux 10 F sarà disponibile in Giappone dal 28 Maggio al costo di $149; l'aggiornamento da precedenti versioni di Turbolinux costerà $64.
Home users can now watch feature DVD movies and Windows Media streaming video on "Turbolinux 10 F…". CyberLink’s PowerDVD for Linux is included in the new "Turbolinux 10 F…" and supports Content Scramble System (CSS), an encryption system widely required by studios to protect popular Hollywood and theater movies. Turbolinux engineers developed new software called Turbo Media Player that works with xine, a widely-used Linux media engine, to make it possible for customers to watch streaming video in Windows Media format. Turbolinux is the first Linux company to form a relationship with CyberLink to allow viewing of encrypted movies in different international DVD regions established by the major studios.
Turbolinux 10 Desktop was ranked as one of the top 10 best-selling system software packages in Japan in the first quarter of 2004, including proprietary vendors such as Microsoft and Apple, according to market research firm BCN. Last month Turbolinux announced an OEM agreement with HP to distribute Turbolinux Desktop in 12 Asian markets on new HP business desktop computers.
New features in "Turbolinux 10 F…" include:
* Streaming video and audio support for Windows Media Format , RealVideo/Audio and MP3;
* PowerDVD for Linux enables legal playback of DVD movies and supports Dolby stereo sound and simultaneous display of sub-titles, and;
* Sun’s Java applet and Macromedia Flash browser support.
Other key features that have established Turbolinux Desktop as a leading OS in Asia include:
* Instant messaging software compatible with the popular Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, ICQ, and AOL networks
* Apple iPod support
* Japanese TrueType fonts from Ricoh, and;
* ATOK X for Linux, the world’s most popular system for entering Japanese characters on computers.
Il prodotto sarà disponibile sugli altri mercati a partire dal 30 giugno.
Non si può fare a meno di notare che l'accordo di licenza siglato con Microsoft tradisce lo spirito alla base del progetto stesso di GNU/Linux: un software libero, aggiornabile, modificabile, copiabile e ridistribuibile liberamente.
L'innesto di codice protetto da copyright snatura il progetto, rendendo di fatto la distro Turnolinux un prodotto "non-free software" - e un Cavallo di Troia commerciale, un utile strumento per Microsoft nella sua guerra contro il software libero.
Link: comunicato stampa Turbolinux.
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