Il prodotto, sviluppato da Audible Magic, sarà presentato in settimana da Palisade Systems, e promette di identificare e bloccare i brani musicali coperti da copyright lasciando passare, al tempo stesso, il rimanente traffico P2P.
Inutile dire che alla RIAA si stanno già spellando le mani dagli applausi; i gestori di alcuni network peer-to-peer contestano però le affermazioni di Audible Magic e Palisade Systems, e sostengono l'impossibilità pratica di filtrare correttamente i dati in transito.
Palisade's new tool is the fruit of a cross-licensing deal struck earlier this year, which also gives Audible Magic the rights to use Palisade's network-monitoring technology to offer a similar product. Palisade executives say their university customers in particular are interested in the song-blocking capabilities.Fonte:
"It's the kind of thing we hear from universities or customers that act more as an ISP," said Doug Jacobson, Palisade's founder and chief technology officer. "They want to take the position of not filtering out all peer-to-peer (traffic)--stopping copyrighted works but not the other content."
Audible Magic's technology, which will be released as an option in the newest version of Palisade's PacketHound network-management services, has formed the centerpiece of an ongoing debate over the future viability of peer-to-peer networks. As the filtering technology begins to appear this year inside university and other networks, the intensity of that debate is likely to grow.
During early 2004, RIAA executives helped guide Audible Magic CEO Vance Ikezoye around federal government offices, advocating the song-blocking technology as a tool for stopping copyright infringement on file-swapping networks. If built into file-trading programs such as Kazaa or Morpheus, it could help block large numbers of illegal trades, the record industry group said.
File-swapping companies--some of which have contended that filtering their networks is impractical or even impossible--said they were skeptical of the claims, noting that neither RIAA nor Audible Magic had given them a demonstration of the filtering tools. Industry trade group P2P United says it has repeatedly contacted the company asking to see the filters in action.
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