giovedì 8 aprile 2004

[Tech] cambia nome - fuori dagli USA

Anziché ribattere colpo su colpo alle azioni legali di Microsoft nei vari Paesi europei e in Oriente, cambierà nome, mantenendo la denominazione originale solo negli Stati Uniti:
Microsoft sued in the U.S. in December 2001, accusing the company of infringing its Windows trademark and asking the court to bar from using the Lindows name. The Redmond, Washington, company lost two requests for an injunction in the U.S. and the trial has been delayed.

Courts outside the U.S., however, appear to be siding with Microsoft. The software vendor has won injunctions in Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands and is pursuing the case in France, Spain, Canada, and Mexico.

(...) is changing its name to assure that it can continue to do business globally, Robertson says. It is the only way to respond to an onslaught from Microsoft, he says. The company's U.S. name will no be changed.

Robertson has characterized Microsoft as a bully, using lawsuits "as a battering ram to smash Linux." Lindows is the only viable desktop Linux offering and poses a significant threat to Microsoft's rule on desktop computers, Robertson has said. Microsoft, however, sticks to its statement that its grudge with is only about the company's name.
Il nuovo nome "internazionale" di verrà reso noto mercoledì prossimo.

Fonte: Yahoo! News.

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