sabato 27 settembre 2003

Fanimatrix - Run Program! (Matrix re-done)

Qualcuno ha deciso di proporre una alternativa ai due sequel ufficiali di "Matrix": si tratta di una produzione "a costo zero" (o quasi: fra i 400$ e i 600$ USA), opera di un gruppo di neozelandesi.

Il film (non "amatoriale", a giudicare dal trailer) è stato girato interamente a Auckland.
"The Fanimatrix - Run Program" is a collaboration between over a dozen professional actors, stuntpeople, special effects artists as well as an amateur filmmaking crew (all based in New Zealand) who set out to accomplish four primary goals:
  1. Do something constructive with our spare time (boredom is a killer y'know...)

  2. Create a short film that the general audience would actually WANT to see

  3. Celebrate our mutual love for one of the finest film sagas put on our screens for over a decade - "The Matrix"

  4. Provide an opportunity for everyone involved to practice and hone their filmmaking skills and respective talents

"The Fanimatrix" is a fan-made, zero-budget short film set within the Matrix universe, specifically shortly before the discovery of "The One" (i.e. the first "Matrix" feature film). It tells the story of two rebels - Dante and Medusa - and of their fateful mission onto the virtual reality prison world that is The Matrix.
Il trailer è disponibile qui sia in formato MPEG (14 MB) che DivX 5.1 (bassa qualità: 7 MB; alta qualità: 13 MB).

Link: sito Fanimatrix - Run Program.

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