AAM sembra essere la risposta, ironica solo fino a un certo punto, all'iniziativa del Pentagono (ora abortita) che prevedeva l'istituzione di una sorta di mercato dei futures su omicidi, colpi di stato e attentati terroristici:
Analysts often use prices from various markets as indicators of potential events. The use of orange futures contract prices by analysts of the Florida weather is a classic example. The Pentagon briefly attempted to apply this technique to terrorism, assassination, and war.Il sito imita fedelmente, nella grafica e nei toni dei messaggi, il sito del Pentagono (qui una copia, pubblicata su AAM) messo sotto accusa nei giorni scorsi.
The American Action Market (AAM) refines this approach by trading futures contracts that deal with the two most important questions facing the world today: (1) What will the U.S. government do next? (2) What is informing the U.S. government's current behavior?
Some of the contracts traded on AAM will be based on objective data and observable events, as on a horse track, e.g.
* the next White House lie to break into the news
* the next country the White House will threaten, and when
* the next foreign leader to move from the CIA payroll to White House "most wanted" list
* the lifespan of various DARPA projects, such as Total Information Awareness and Babylon
* the first White House staffer to resign in disgrace, and when
Trading on AAM is placed in the context of U.S. government actions using a trading language specially designed for the realities of military aggression, corporate clientelism, information manipulation, and complete lack of transparency (i.e. secrecy). AAM will be active and accessible 24/7 and should prove as engaging as it is informative.
Link: sito American Action Market.
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