mercoledì 19 novembre 2003

[Tech] Sun: 200 milioni di desktop open-source alla Cina

Sun, a partire dalla fine di quest'anno, consegnerà al governo cinese 200 milioni di copie del suo Java Desktop System, un prodotto integrato che gira sotto sistema operativo Linux.

L'accordo è stato siglato fra Sun e China Standard Software Co., un gruppo di aziende pubbliche cinesi.
"This collaboration is the first step in Sun's global campaign to partner with every nation and to help bring an open, affordable and secure desktop to users worldwide. Countries such as China, South Korea (news - web sites), Japan, Vietnam, Israel and India are driving programs and incentives to improve their IT infrastructures and incorporate technology into government agencies, educational systems and to domestic regions where economic barriers have limited technological growth. In an effort to accelerate these initiatives and quickly bridge this 'digital divide,' Sun is embarking on a program to partner with these nations through the Java Desktop System," Sun said in its announcement yesterday.

Fonte: Yahoo! News.

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