Un altro caso di informazione scorretta, questa volta da RAI News 24.
Ecco la, si fa per dire, notizia:
Rafah, 3 agosto 2004Bene, tutto chiaro, no?
Tre palestinesi sono stati uccisi in una esplosione a Rafah, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza. Diverse persone sono rimaste ferite. Tra di loro anche un cameramen della Reuters.
Ancora non sono certi i motivi dell’esplosione, ma alcuni testimoni parlano di un missile sparato da un elicottero israeliano.
In effetti in quella area era in corso un'operazione militare israeliana, iniziata prima dell'alba di oggi.
I kattivi israeliani hanno proditoriamente lanciato un missile contro dei poveri civili palestinesi inermi, provocando senza motivo l'ennesima strage di innocenti.
Peccato che i "testimoni" citati da mamma RAI non fossero, a quanto pare, gli unici presenti sul posto:
da Haaretz:
Three Hamas men killed by own bomb in RafahDa The Globe and Mail:
An explosion in Rafah's Yabne refugee camp on Tuesday morning killed three Palestinians and wounded another 17. The blast apparently occurred when an explosive device aimed at Israel Defense Forces troops detonated accidentally.
The three killed were identified by Palestinian sources as Hamas operatives Mahmoud Abu al-Neda, 18, Akhram al-Habibi, 31, and Misara Abu Sanima, 19. A Reuters news agency photographer, Bassam Masoud, was lightly injured in the blast. Also among the injured were seven minors, including three children under age 10.
The blast came at 8:15 A.M. while Givati troops, backed by armored and engineering forces, were conducting operations to locate weapons-smuggling tunnels on the Israel-Egyptian border. IDF troops brought bulldozers into the refugee camp, which is near the Philadelphi route, and demolished six homes (Palestinians say 12 homes), but uncovered no tunnels. During the operation, Palestinians detonated more than five explosive devices and opened fire at the IDF troops. The IDF sustained no casualties.
Initial Palestinian reports said an IDF tank shell hit near a clinic operated by UNRWA, but later reports attributed the blast to an explosive device. Hamas announced it had detonated devices placed in the way of IDF vehicles in the camp.
Palestinian attackers get wrong targetDal Taipei Times:
Gaza City — Palestinian militants attacking an Israeli armoured bulldozer inadvertently killed three other Palestinians Tuesday.
The roadside bomb in the Rafah refugee camp went off a few metres from where the bulldozer – part of an Israeli operation to destroy weapons-smuggling tunnels from Egypt – was piling up dirt in a crowded residential area, Associated Press Television News said.
No Israelis were injured but three Palestinian men 200 metres away were hit by shrapnel, one so severely it took off half his skull.
Ten people were wounded, including a Reuters TV cameraman, witnesses and hospital officials said.
The violence came a day after extremists killed three Palestinians convicted of collaborating with Israel – two of them in their hospital beds – highlighting the progressive breakdown of law and order in Gaza.
The Hamas organization said two of the dead in Rafah were its members, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed one of the dead men. Neighbours confirmed that they belonged to militant organizations but said they were not involved in combat units.
Palestinians die in assault on Israeli bulldozerTutto chiaro? Tutte le fonti, comprese le fonti palestinesi, concordano nell'attribuire la responsabilità dell'esplosione a terroristi palestinesi intenzionati a colpire un bulldozer dell'esercito israeliano; tutte le fonti citano fra i feriti un uomo dell'agenzia Reuters, stanno quindi parlando tutte dello stesso episodio e non, poniamo, di due episodi diversi occorsi nella stessa giornata; fonti della Sicurezza palestinese dichiarano ufficialmente che gli elicotteri e i carri armati israeliani presenti nell'area al momento dell'esplosione non hanno aperto il fuoco, ma questo piccolo dettaglio a RAI News 24 evidentemente non interessa; tutte le indicazioni sono convergenti, non ci sono dubbi sul fatto che dei terroristi palestinesi sono saltati in aria mentre tentavano di distruggere un mezzo israeliano; la stessa Hamas annuncia orgogliosamente che gli ordigni fatti detonare sono in totale cinque.
A bomb planted by militants trying to blow up an Israeli bulldozer yesterday killed three Palestinians during an Israeli operation to destroy weapons-smuggling tunnels, the militants and the Israeli army said.
The roadside bomb in the Rafah refugee camp went off a few meters from where the bulldozer was piling up mounds of dirt in a crowded residential area, according to television footage.
The violence came a day after vigilantes killed three Palestinians convicted of collaborating with Israel -- two of them in their hospital beds -- in an incident that highlighted the progressive breakdown of law and order in Gaza.
The Hamas militant organization said two of the casualties in Rafah were its members, and the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed one of the dead men. The explosion blew off half of one man's skull.
Palestinian security officials said there was no fire from Israeli helicopters that were flying overhead or from Israeli tanks.
Reporters said the dead men were more than 200m away when they were hit by shrapnel from the huge explosion.
Ten people were wounded, including a Reuters TV cameraman who suffered a shrapnel wound in his hand, according to witnesses and hospital officials.
E dunque? Siamo alle solite, direi: per certe testate giornalistiche alcune fonti - quelle legate ai gruppi armati palestinesi, nella fattispecie - sono sempre e comunque più attendibili e autorevoli di tutte le altre, a prescindere.
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