Gli studenti iraniani lanciano un appello affinché il loro sito Web possa continuare a esistere e a svolgere la sua funzione di lotta e controinformazione nei confronti del regime teocratico iraniano.
Contribuire, anche con un solo euro, al finanziamento della loro struttura, significa contribuire a mantenere viva la voce della resistenza (sì: la Resistenza) iraniana, significa contribuire a diffondere in Iran e all'estero una informazione non censurata, non filtrata dal regime.
Significa contribuire a esercitare sul regime iraniano delle pressioni internazionali pacifiche, non militari, che potrebbero affrettarne la caduta anche in assenza di un (ipotetico) conflitto armato - una soluzione che dovrebbe essere considerata appetibile da tutti, in primo luogo dai pacifisti occidentali.
Tanti minuscoli contributi possono produrre un flusso enorme di denaro: ricordate le decine di milioni di euro raccolti in Italia via SMS, in occasione dello tsunami del 26 dicembre?
Basterebbe una piccola frazione di quell'impegno per permettere alla resistenza irachena di mantenere viva una delle sue voci più autorevoli.
Fatelo: aiutateli concretamente, nei limiti delle vostre possibilità. Non lasciateli soli.
Ecco il testo dell'appello (grazie a Freethoughts per la segnalazione):
SMCCDI (Urgent Action Call)
April 18, 2005
Dear Iranian Compatriots, Dear World's Freedom Lovers,
We need desperately your valuable help in order to continue
to exist and respond to our duties and moral obligations.
In the last twenty-six years, whether in Iran or abroad,
all of our lives have been affected negatively by the
Islamic regime and its desire to destroy Iran and Iranians
alike. We have witnessed the inhumane ideas of this regime,
and we don't cease to be horrified at the lengths this barbaric
theocracy has reached in its ability to terrorize Iranians
as well as the international community. Most of us Iranians
have dealt with the reality that the international
community did nothing to stop the holocaust of our people
and our country at the hands of this tyrannical regime. We
know the freedom of Iran and the end of the regime of
terrorists in our country lies in our own hands.
In a surprising twist of fate, for the first time in
twenty-six years, the President of the United States
directly spoke to Iranians during his State of the Union
Address in February of 2005. For the first time, the leader
of the most powerful country in the world has proclaimed
support for Iranians committed to returning freedom and
democracy to Iran by ending the Islamic terrorist regime.
If pro-democracy endeavors are not supported during this
short window of opportunity, Iranians may never see freedom
in Iran again.
With this in mind, the Islamic regime has actively been
working in Iran and abroad to make sure freedom fighters do
not have the chance to use this window of opportunity.
After President Bush's proclamation of support for Iranian
freedom fighters, the Islamic regime has embarked on a
campaign to separate any unified forces of opposition who
seek freedom and democracy for Iran.
One such group, "Student Movement Coordination Committee
for Democracy in Iran" (SMCCDI), has always been on the
forefront of the opposition movement against the regime of
terror. This opposition group has been a key figure in
aiding the freedom fighters in Iran with the aim of
establishing a secular political structure elected by the
majority of Iranians and returning human rights to Iran.
By way of its web site, SMCCDI has been a major source of
political inspiration for many young Iranians striving for
modernism and democracy.
Our analysis or public statements called for some of the
successful demonstrations, protest actions or boycotts of
Islamic regime's events or sham elections which took place
in Iran and abroad, such as, in US, France, UK and Italy.
Hundreds of hours of satellite TV and radio programs based
on SMCCDI's materials or interviews made with its members
have been one main source of enlightenment and action for
millions of young Iranians striving for freedom and
From the defense of students and the support of Iranian
women, voicing up the legitimate aspirations of teachers
and workers to the very clear promotion of secularity,
SMCCDI has always been at the forefront!
Many of you do remember how we promoted this today
undeniable principles of "Secularity" and "Real Democracy"
at times that most were promoting sham "reforms from within
the frame of theocracy" or the masquerade named "Islamic
Our group has also been an integral part of bringing
important and timely reports from inside Iran and has been
sited by reputable news sources such as The Washington
Times, The Los Angeles Times, The World Tribune, The New
York Sun, The Wall Street Journal, The National Review, The
Salon, The Insight Magazine, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette,
The Front Page Magazine and CNN in the US; The National
Post and The Ottawa Citizen in Canada; Le Figaro and Le
Parisian in France; Corrier Della Sera, Il Foglio, Il
Reformista and Opinione in Italy; Prima in Russia; The
Financial Times and The Herald in UK; Berliner Zeitung and
Jungle World in Germany; The Japan Today in Japan to
name a few.
SMCCDI also stood firmly against those Islamic
republic apologists and lobbyists who intended to
legitimize the Islamic republic by promoting ties between
the US and Mullahcracy. Nor their threats or nor a long and
legal procedure were not able to make us bent in front of
political Machiavellism and those building money or fame on
the blood of our countrymen and freedom fighters!
Those of you familiar with our work can back our claim!
Sadly, due to dwindling funds, SMCCDI's web site,
( also known as ), as well as its aid to
members and freedom fighters in Iran, has been diminished.
Presently, the web site has had to be brought down, as of
Friday April 15th, and the survival of this group depends
on your responsible donations.
The SMCCDI website gets 45,000 to 65,000 visits each day
with picks of 183,000 hits on key dates such as July 9th
(anniversary of Students' Uprising of 1999).
SMCCDI also sends its Reports, Statements and Urgent Calls
to Action via its well developed mailing lists
( or with
several thousands of subscribers.
If SMCCDI does not have the financial support it
desperately needs, it will be the end of one of the most
powerful sources of opposition and information against the
Islamic terrorist regime. During this crucial time when the
window of opportunity has been opened by International
parameters, and with the world watching, Iran's future
depends on the work of such powerful opposition groups.
Now is the time for action!
Your financial support of any amount is desperately needed
for the continuance of SMCCDI's fight for freedom and
democracy. SMCCDI is a force used greatly by our beloved
students in Iran who have devoted their lives and put their
livelihoods at risk in order to end terror and dictatorship
in Iran.
Help us to exist and continue our mission!
Help us to help millions of colleagues and fellow
countrymen and countrywomen to voice up!
You can help online by the use of the well trusted
"Paypal" Internet solution known to many and used by some
very reputable non commercial entities or online stores.
1- Please to go to the secure Paypal website at:
2- Open a free account that can be also useful for many
other purposes of your daily life.
3- Send the amount of your non tax deductible donation by
charging your Credit Card via Paypal for our e.mail
address: SMCCDI@DANESHJOO.ORG (SMCCDI - Daneshjoo)
4- You can also make an electronic or online check payment
which will be debited from your banking account.
Please note that , which is a
certified online banking 1/3 party, keeps your Credit Card
or any of your banking references hidden from us and is
just forwarding your gracious help minus a reasonable
transaction fee.
Please make the difference!
We have never asked for such help, but we need it now for
the sake of many!!
If you can't, please forward this Call for Help to those
who you think they can....
We need your help!!!
We need all help possible!!!
Key and decision making dates are approaching!!
Help us to live and mobilize more than ever!
We do express to those of you, who understand our message,
our deepest gratitude in advance.
Long Live Freedom!
Long Live Secularism!
Established be Democracy!
The "Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy
in Iran" (SMCCDI)
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