UNITED NATIONS — A scandal about the sexual abuse of Congolese women and children by U.N. officials and peacekeepers intensified Friday with the broadcast of explicit pictures of a French U.N. worker and Congolese girls and his claim that there was a network of pedophiles at the U.N. mission in Congo.
ABC News' "20/20" program showed pictures taken from the computer of a French U.N. transport worker. The hard drive reportedly contained thousands of photos of him with hundreds of girls. In one frame, a tear can be seen rolling down the cheek of a victim.
The news report coincided with the U.N.'s new "zero-contact" rule banning any interaction between U.N. soldiers and locals in Congo.
The staffer, Didier Bourguet, 41, is facing charges of sexual abuse and rape in France. His lawyer, Claude de Boosere- Lepidi, said in court last week that there was a network of U.N. personnel who had sex with underage girls and that Bourguet had engaged in similar activity in a previous U.N. posting in the Central African Republic.
Bourguet's case is the only one that has been prosecuted among 150 allegations against about 50 soldiers and U.N. civilian officials who have served in the Congo peacekeeping mission. At least seven cases of sexual exploitation and abuse have been documented against peacekeepers based in Bunia, a northeastern town. One civilian has been suspended until the investigation is complete, and another has resigned. The U.N. is conducting further investigations and expects to find more cases.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent a letter to the Security Council on Wednesday announcing a set of strict measures designed to stem the sexual abuse that has haunted peacekeeping operations for decades. The Democratic Republic of Congo has the U.N.'s largest peacekeeping mission, with 13,950 soldiers and 1,875 civilian employees, and thus has the greatest potential for problems.
Peacekeepers are no longer allowed to have contact with Congolese except to carry out their official duties, and cannot even buy fruit from vendors; they must wear their uniform even when off-duty or off their base. A general curfew has been imposed from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., and bars and some cafes have been designated off limits to U.N. soldiers and civilians. Offenders will be repatriated.
La notizia non fa che confermare notizie e accuse precedenti (si parla infatti di oltre cinquanta soldati e funzionari civili delle Nazioni Unite coinvolti, e l'ONU stessa ipotizza ulteriori casi): avete mai letto qualcosa in proposito sui giornali della sinistra pacifista, o sui blog sempre pronti a denunciare come orrendi crimini di guerra le "torture psicologiche" (alcuni integralisti islamici detenuti a Guantanamo sarebbero stati interrogati nientemeno che da "donne soldato"...) inflitte agli islamo-fascisti dai sadici, kattivi amerikani?
Avete visto l'Unità, il Manifesto e i blog della sinistra (pardon: dell'Asinistra) pacifinta pubblicare per giorni e giorni in prima pagina le foto degli stupratori col distintivo ONU e le lacrime delle loro vittime, come hanno fatto con le foto di Abu Grahib - ma anche con quelle (quasi immediatamente riconosciute false dallo stesso quotidiano britannico che le aveva pubblicate - ma in Italia la smentita "stranamente" è stata ignorata) dei soldati "torturatori" inglesi?
Secondo voi che macello inenarrabile sarebbe scoppiato se in Congo gli stupratori pedofili fossero stati dei soldati o dei civili americani anzichè, come nel caso di questo mascalzone, francesi? L'immaginazione vacilla.
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