martedì 16 novembre 2004

Not in my name

"Not in my name" è uno degli slogan ricorrenti nelle manifestazioni dei pacifinti.

Sul Tennessean qualche giorno fa è apparso un articolo dedicato a delle persone che, a loro volta, pronunciano a voce alta il loro "not in my name" (grazie a V.D.C. per la segnalazione):
Eva Savage of Livingston, Tenn., has a message for filmmaker Michael Moore: You don't speak for me.

Savage has been more than capable of speaking for herself since her son, Jeremiah, a Marine corporal, was killed last May in Iraq. And tomorrow, she speaks at the Veterans' Day ceremony at the courthouse in Livingston, along with the mother of fallen Marine Cpl. Brad McCormick.


"I will not allow the Michael Moores of this world to take my son's death and turn it and twist it to suit their own greedy and malicious purposes," she told me.

Eva is right. For Moore to represent himself as speaking for America's war dead in Iraq is like him claiming to be a spokesman for Weight Watchers. And consider the outrage and insult of a stranger using your son's image for their punitive politics. This is not the first time Moore has stooped so low. He used footage of the funeral of U.S. Air Force Maj. Gregory Stone for Fahrenheit 9/11. Maj. Stone's family told The Washington Times:

"We are furious that Greg was in that casket and cannot defend himself," Kandi Gallagher, Maj. Stone's aunt, said. "And my sister, Greg's mother … called him (Moore) a 'maggot that eats off the dead.'"


Qui l'articolo completo.

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