Come dite? I "soliti" kattivi amerikani impegnati a massacrare (come al solito, secondo la trita e ritrita litania pacifinta) "donne, vecchi e bambini" in Irak?
Sorpresa: no, gli "insoliti", bravi, buoni, multilateralisti e politicamente corretti francesi, impegnati a massacrare civili inermi (ma che "minacciavano di diventare violenti", oh oui...) in Costa d'Avorio:
Civilians killed during Ivory Coast protestCome vedete, comunque, i francesi si sono affrettati a smentire - e se lo dicono loro, gli idoli dei pacifinti di casa nostra, come non credergli? (Arh, arh...)
Several civilians have been shot dead during violent demonstrations in the West African nation of Ivory Coast.
Soldiers opened fire during an anti-French protest in the commercial capital Abidjan.
Witnesses say that French troops fired into the crowd when the demonstration became violent.
But the French military says it was not responsible for the killing.
French officials say Ivorian troops started shooting after they were shot at by protesters outside a luxury hotel in Abidjan.
The latest incident happened after more than four days of unrest in Ivory Coast.
French, Ivorian and United Nations troops are trying to restore order.
South African President Thabo Mbeki has invited opposition leaders to Pretoria later this week for talks to end the violence.
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