... e la frequenza degli attentati aumenta in maniera preoccupante, come se i terroristi si preparassero a "festeggiare" l'anniversario con un ennesimo bagno di sangue su larga scala, forse ancora peggiore del massacro di Beslan.
Ecco il bollettino di oggi:
JAKARTA, Indonesia - A powerful car bomb exploded outside the gates of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta on Thursday, killing seven people and wounding nearly 100 in an attack police blamed on al-Qaida-linked terrorists.Russia:
(Yahoo! News)
Forse era in preparazione un altro attentato in Russia. Degli esplosivi sono infatti stati trovati dalla polizia russa nascosti in un teatro chiuso per lavori di riparazione a San Pietroburgo. Lo ha riferito il ministero dell'Interno in un comunicato citato dall'agenzia Interfax.Nel frattempo, i nazisti islamici si preparano a festeggiare in pubblico, a Londra, le stragi di tre anni fa:
(Corriere della Sera)
Al-Muhajiroun leader Omar Bakri, a Syrian residing in London, told the paper by phone that the convention would feature Al-Qa'ida "surprises," with the screening of a never-before-shown video. He said that the convention will focus on "the anniversary of the division of the world into two great camps – the camp of faith and the camp of unbelief," and would take place September 11, 2004 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Bakri added: "On this day, we will talk about the ramifications of these [9/11] operations for Afghanistan and Iraq… We want the world to remember this operation … that lifted the head of the [Muslim] nation." Bakri called 9/11 "a cry of Jihad against unbelief and oppression," and said that the aim of remembering it is to "revive the commandment of Jihad among the youth of the [Muslim] nation."
Bakri said that the convention will also feature a lecture about the Islamic religious roots of "slaughtering the infidels," that is, beheading foreigners in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and that there will be films by Al-Qa'ida, the Tawhid and Jihad organization, and the Brigades of the Two Holy Places in the Arabian Peninsula, and that there will also be a film on the most recent operations in Chechnya. He added that one of the speeches, by Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi, known to be Al-Qa'ida's military commander in Iraq, will be translated.
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