mercoledì 1 ottobre 2003

[Tech] Studio olandese: 'Le reti cellulari 3G provocano nausea ed emicranie'

Questo almeno è quanto pare emergere da uno studio realizzato in Olanda dai ministeri della Salute, degli Affari Economici e delle Telecomunicazioni.

Secondo i risultati della ricerca, resi noti ieri, le emissioni delle "stazioni base" di telefonia mobile di terza generazione possono provocare mal di testa e nausea nei soggetti compresi nel loro raggio d'azione. Questo effetto non è stato invece rilevato con le stazioni base delle attuali reti cellulari:
"If the test group was exposed to third generation base stations there was a significant impact," a representative for the Economics Ministry said. "They felt tingling sensations, got headaches and felt nauseous."

There was no negative impact from the signals for current mobile networks.

However, cognitive functions such as memory and response times were boosted by both 3G signals and the current ones, the study found. People become more alert when they were exposed to both.


They will also discuss the study with the European Commission, the representative said.

The double-blind laboratory tests -- meaning no one in the survey knew if a base station was transmitting signals or not -- exposed test subjects to levels of radiation average for third generation networks when they become commercial in coming years.
La GSM Association, l'associazione che raggruppa le principali aziende di telefonia mobile, per ora non ha rilasciato alcun commento ufficiale.

Fonte: Wired News.

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