Ecco la "cultura della pace" palestinese - qui nell'interpretazione del Ministero della Cultura della cosiddetta Autorità Nazionale Palestinese:
The PA’s Ministry of Culture released its “Book of the Month” today, a poetry collection honoring suicide terrorist Hanadi Jaradat, who murdered 29 Israelis.
It was distributed as a special supplement in the daily Al-Ayyam.
Entitled “What Did Hanadi Say?” the collection includes a poem glorifying Jaradat’s act of suicide terror, calling it “the highest goal”:
“O Hanadi! Shake the earth under the feet of the enemies! Blow it up! Hanadi said: ‘It is the wedding of Hanadi the day when death as a Martyr for Allah, becomes the highest goal.’
The poem is dedicated to Jaradat, called “the Rose of Palestine,” who murdered 29 Jews and Arabs in a suicide bombing in a Haifa restaurant in October 2003.
The poem criticizes the Arab nation for ignoring Jihad:
“Where is the [Arab] nation..? The armies hid, nothing left in the field ... not the sound of Jihad, all of them, at the moment of decision, surrender, obey the enemies...”
She complains:
“O Hanadi..! The flag of the nation is not flying in the fields of Jihad.”
The poem ends as Hanadi takes the initiative:
“O Hanadi! Shake the earth under the feet of the enemies! Blow it up! It is the wedding of Hanadi the day when death as a Martyr for Allah, becomes the highest goal, that liberates my land.”
[Al-Ayyam, August 22, 2005]
This glorification of a mass murderer was not a private enterprise, but was published by the PA Ministry of Culture.
Sempre nell'ottica di una nuova "cultura di pace", immagino, la tv satellitare araba Al-Jazeera ha trasmesso uno speciale su questa attentatrice suicida (link - testo in inglese).
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